Anti-Corruption System as KFTD’s Risk Management Strategy in GCG

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group has always been consistent in creating an ideal workspace. Eliminating the risk of corruption is KFTD‘s main principle in maintaining a clean, healthy work environment. Applying a dedicated anti-bribery system is one of the risk management strategies to achieve an ideal work environment. One dedicated system called SMAP is implemented to encourage employees to be more proactive in reducing bribery.

The Implementation of SMAP to Reduce Corruption

SMAP, short for Sistem Manajemen  Anti-Penyuapan (Anti-Bribery Management System), is implemented to reduce the risk of corruption and bribery. It consists of specifically designed strategies to reduce any chances of corruption and bribery happening.

The strategies of SMAP include these steps:

  1. Establishing a formal guide that describes acts of bribery and corruption that employees of all levels must refer to.
  2. Conducting campaigns and education about corruption and bribery prevention.
  3. Establishing a dedicated channel for whistleblowers to report any acts of corruption, bribery, and other misconduct.
  4. Implementing internal audit in all departments.
  5. Conducting deep research and cross-examination as a follow-up for every report about corruption and bribery.
  6. Thorough regular evaluations to measure the effectiveness of the SMAP program.

The SMAP strategies are implemented in all vital departments of Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution. They include Finance, Business Strategy, Accounting, Distribution, Logistics, and Marketing.

SMAP as a GCG Strategy

KFTD’s corruption investigation and evaluation are in line with the company’s Good Corporate Governance principles. They enforce values of integrity, transparency, and responsibility within the company.

The GCG principles also saw the creation of a special unit called Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (UPG). They are tasked to respond to every report about possible bribery, corruption, and other misconduct. Every employee who witnesses these acts can submit their reports with the special downloadable form and documents or photos as proof. They even have a dedicated reporting channel: [email protected].

By implementing SMAP and forming the UPG, KFTD is conducting a form of risk management to reduce the possibilities of corruption and bribery. All employees are more motivated to keep the company a clean, healthy work environment.